Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Terminator Genesis Began Filming Yesterday

I am pretty excited about this news because unlike some people I heard that didn't like Terminator Salvation, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I love this new look at the terminators and Skynet and all that added with talented actors and you make great entertainment.

Terminator Genesis is the first in a new trilogy and as far as the plot is concerned Paramount Pictures and keeping a lid on it. But here is what I do know.

Some of the cast are:

                                           Arnold Schwarzenegger- Terminator
He's back! You kind of got a glimpse of his face on a terminator in Salvation but this time he is an actual part of this movie. Its going to be great seeing our old terminator back in action.
                                             Emilia Clarke- Sarah Connor
Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi) from Game Of Thrones will be taking on the role of Sarah Connor. Not really sure how she'll do in a role like this since it is her first big production film. We shall see.

                                              Jai Courtney- Kyle Reese 
I thought he was great in Jack Reacher and A Good Day To Die Hard. He definitely looks like an actor who would be in a terminator film. His tough guy, military like style. It works so for me I'm down.

                                                    Byung-hun Lee
It hasn't been said yet what his character is but I am still really glad he is in the movie. As much as I HATED the first G.I. Joe and wasn't really blown away by the second one either. The one character that made it watchable was Storm Shadow. I really enjoy the energy he brings on screen and I think hes going to be a good fit in a film like this.

                                                   Jason Clarke- John Connor  
From Lawless to Zero Dark Thirty to Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, this actor is building one impressive resume. I thought he was really good in Lawless and Zero Dark Thirty and I'm not worried about him in Planet Of The Apes either. Very talented actor so I think he is also a good fit.

                                                  Alan Taylor- Director
Alan Taylor directed Thor: The Dark World and I think like 6 episodes of Game Of Thrones. I'm excited to see what him and the writers got cooking up to start this new Terminator trilogy.

What are your thoughts on this news? How do you feel about a new terminator trilogy? Let me know in the comments below!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Captain America:The Winter Soldier Review (NO SPOILERS)- 9.5/10

I had the privilege of seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier twice yesterday. I saw it once in 3D and once in 2D and let me tell you it doesn't really matter because BOTH ARE AMAZING BECAUSE THIS MOVIE IS INCREDIBLE.

Wanna know how much I loved this movie? I said Avengers was my favorite movie of all time. This is better than Avengers. I can't believe I'm saying this but its true.

The movie starts out with CA working with SHIELD after the events in New York, they are on a misson to stop pirates that took over on of SHIELD's ships. During this mission is when CA is first introduced to the shadiness of SHIELD. The entire theme of the film is trust. CA has to learn who to trust as SHIELD is compromised by a secret enemy that has reared its ugly head out again, stronger than ever.

Out of the hell that's opening up comes it's first demon. The Winter Soldier. A mindless, pure fighting specimen with a metallic left arm, which makes him 10 times more deadly. The Winter Soldier cares only for the missions he's assigned which causes a lot of problems for the Cap. This film has the most realistic fighting I've ever seen in a Marvel film. Every punch hit hard and every kick looked like it hurt like hell. Such intense scenes.

All the new faces were great in this movie. Anthony Mackie as Falcon, Robert Redford and Frank Grillo all did fantastic. I love the chemistry Falcon and CA have, I can't wait to see them in Captain America 3.

If you go see this movie I recommend seeing it in 3D but 2D its a little easier to see the fight scenes. 3D does help the show the audience better detailed action sequences and explosions though in my opinion. All in all really doesn't matter because either way you will not be disappointed. Favorite movie this year by far.
