Wednesday, June 13, 2012


   Over the weekend a few people and I saw Prometheus. I had mixed feelings about it going in and thought it was going to be entertaining at best. The film was already getting amazing reviews for the visualizations by top movie critics so I just had to at least check that out!
     The movie was actually very very good. It nothing like I've ever really seen before. I think a lot of people were disappointed because they assumed it was going to be a horror movie but its not at all. Its more scifi-fantasy and it tells a story. Its kind of confusing to explain my feeling about what the movie setting actually is and the theme of the film.
    In the film for about 20 seconds is an old horror movie Alien from the Alien film franchise and the Alien vs. Predator movies. I believe because of this appearance is why many people thought this movie was supposed to scare the shit out of them. No, its not. The movie isn't really even about alien in my opinion I feel that the story is about a group of people having their own stories and Alien is the guest cameo. In the same context as wolverine's 15 second cameo in Xmen: First Class.
    All in all the movie went beyond my expectations. With unforgettable movie moments that makes the film unique and memorable.


                                                             Ant's Rating

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