Growing up with a lot of these classic films like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, I am a big fan of the new trend of these "Disney made dark" films. Which are mainly focused on the villain. Snow White and the Huntsman is a good example of a previous one. Which was mediocre all around film, great performance by Charlize Theron, poor story and brilliant special effects. Maleficent was no different.
Casting Angelina Jolie was the best thing Disney could have done. Jolie portrayed Maleficent so perfectly, capturing how misunderstood the character is and really showing all of the hurt this character has with her performance. She definitely was born to play this character and most will agree has the best performance in the film.
The story is not horrible don't get me wrong. There are just a lot of parts for kids and it is a family movie nonetheless so you just have to remember that when you go into the theater. One thing I really didn't like about the movie is the king. I wasn't sure where they were trying to go with that character. First he was a loving father turned mad king, which worked but the thing he was obsessed about was his daughter being safe because he loves her so much, then when he finally sees her 16 years later he doesn't hug her back after she puts her arms around him and locks her up out of his sight? Basically the character progression didn't make sense.
Another thing I absolutely could not stand about the film was the fairy godmothers. They were extremely annoying and ultimately useless to the movie. They were supposed to watch the princess but they couldn't have ADD or something. Even leaving the baby outside crying at one point. To sum it up they are worst possible people to have watch your child ever. Besides Maleficent, who by the way, WATCHES THE KID HER WHOLE LIFE.
Great job fairy godmothers!
I really really loved the back story of Maleficent. I thought it was a great and fresh new look on the classic Sleeping Beauty villain. Even teaches at the end when Maleficent is the one who actually falls in love with Aurora and is actually her true love over the prince that girls don't need a prince to be happy. They just need someone to support them through life's lemons. I enjoyed the importance of Maleficent's wings. From the moment the king cut them off of her you find yourself rooting for her. Hoping that one day she gets them back. Jolie's performance and emotions beautifully delivers that.
Like I said before, this movie is visually breath taking. Disney never fails to capture the magic in anything they do. As Maleficent is soaring through the this magical world you get that child-like sense of wonder that Disney is known to bring out in adults.
Elle Fanning is growing into a fantastic young actress. I thought she played a Princess Aurora perfectly and was exactly the princess you'd picture from the fairy tales. I have always liked her performances so far. It'll be nice to see her grow as an actor and to see where her career leads her.
Overall I'd have to say this movie is a good all around movie but a great family movie. Definitely go check it out if you get the chance.
Let me know how you feel about this review or the movie in general in the comment section below! Thanks for reading!