Wednesday, June 4, 2014

3 Days To Kill Review (SPOILERS)- 5.5/10

One of my favorite movies ever is Taken with Liam Neeson. It has kind of given me a soft spot for bad ass old guys who can kick ass, so I was really excited to see this movie. I'm a big fan of Kevin Costner and Amber Heard and I thought it would be awesome to mix her sexiness with his bad assness.

Nope. This movie was pretty bad. Before I go in to it I just want to say that it was in no way Kevin Costner's fault. He was good in it and so was Amber Heard but the movie was so badly written. I found myself forcing my way through the movie. Gah. So bad!

Amber Heard's character has absolutely no depth to her. She is basically a horrible caricature of a secret agent woman. As soon as Kevin's character Ethan got into the car with her so they can "take a ride" she went like 80mph everywhere in the city and said smart ass comments the whole time. Also, you can never really tell if shes good or bad. One minute she seems like a genuine good person with her "miracle cure drug" and one minute you don't know if shes going to shoot him in the face or not. Such an under-developed character.

My problem with this film is that it has way too many emotional stories that fail at going anywhere. One story is him dying and being a secret agent. Another story is of him being a secret agent and connecting with his daughter. Another story of him dying and using the time left to connect with his daughter, and this very random African family that are "squatting" in his home? You see them once at the beginning of the movie and a little boy somewhat through out and then at the end when one of the women has a baby and its supposed to be emotional. The film would have been 10 times better if you take out Amber Heard's character and that squatter family. Just have him being a secret agent and trying to connect with his daughter. Another problem I had was that Ethan got his family WAY too involved with his secret agent life. On a dangerous level. You are never supposed to to tell the bad guys your real name or hand them a phone and say, "talk to me daughter Zooey."

Oh and the saying "3 Days to Kill" had nothing to do with anything! The significance of it was that Ethan said to his daughter, "Your mothers not going to be back until Wednesday (I'm paraphrasing the day)" and his daughter says, "well looks like we have 3 days to kill." BOOM.

I'm not going to bash on the movie the whole time though. There are some redeemable parts in the film. Ethan is pretty bad ass when he has to be and some of the fight scenes and shoot outs were cool. Like I said Kevin Costner is a great actor. I hold no fault to him. I thought the Hailee Steinfield did a good job. Amber Heard wasn't bad but her character was just awful.

If you loved the movie that's great and I'm glad somebody did but for me it was a miss. If you haven't seen it yet then....I don't know, rent it? Wait for it to be on Netflix? Definitely don't buy it.


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