Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Top 5 Movie Theater Pet Peeves

So you have been waiting to see a certain film for months now. You get to the movies, purchase your popcorn and soft drink or whatever you enjoy. When your film is finally seating you go in and get comfortable. Now you are ready to enjoy the movie. Well hang on....this time might not go so well because PEOPLE LOVE RUINING THINGS. Some loud mouth in the front is ruining this whole movie. I have alot of pet peeves when it comes to going out to enjoy a flick. Here are my top 5 biggest pet peeves I have at these times.

1. Someone talking on their cell phone.
Hey guess what! I paid 9 dollars for this movie and I wasn't hoping to hear about your crush talking to you at school today. If you have to take a call and reminisce on your incredible life, do it by stepping out. Trust me, the people in the lobby are way more interested than we are.(Not really)

2. Texting during the movie.
Don't text the whole movie and then ask me what happened, because then I miss some of the scene explaining the last damn scene to you. I'll tell you a good way to find out what happens. WATCH THE MOVIE. Whoever it is can wait for one movie. You know its not a real emergency because if it was you would be calling them! Phones away.

3. People having interrupting and even non movie related conversations.
The movies is a great place to go with a group of friends. To watch a movie. Its not a place to socialize and have conversations while people are trying to enjoy the film. They pay money to see that movie and can't get into it because all they hear is you talking about your day. My absolute hero is the guy up back who yells "SHHHHHHHHH!" at some noisy people. We need more of those people in the seats.

4. Yelling things out.
Come on man. Don't be that guy. We don't care how funny you think you are. Yelling out things for the most part only makes you look like an idiot. Don't get me wrong, people have yelled out some funny stuff at movie premiere's. But that's basically the only atmosphere that its okay in. If you went around and asked every single person sitting in the theater, 99.9% of them will say they didn't come to listen to you be a comedian. The .1% that did come for that would obviously be your moronic friends.

5. Saying the movie sucked and your that person that does number 1,2 & 3.
Nothing like talking about the movie on the car ride home and the other person "didn't understand it" or "was kind of bored" or "it was really confusing." Uh yeah, that's your the person who was talking and texting. Maybe if you paid attention to the whole thing it would have made a lot more sense. Now your going home and telling everyone it sucked because you have the attention span of a 4 year old. Guess what, in my opinion, you have no say after the movie. Simple as that. Technically you didn't really see the movie so why the hell should anyone listen to you. That's just how I feel.

Those are all my worst pet peeves while trying to enjoy a movie. I know I said at the movie theater but it really kind of applies to any time your watching a movie. I'd love to hear some of the things that really erk you guys while your trying to enjoy a film.

Let me know in the comments below!

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