Saturday, February 15, 2014

Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer Release Date?!

Guardians Of The Galaxy trailer is said to be released on February 18th. It would be the first look for anyone who didn't go to Comic-Con.(Or who didn't see the leaked footage from Comic-Con)

According to Yahoo Singapore on twitter, the trailer will drop this Tuesday BUT, shortly after the tweet was taken down and replaced with other GOTG photos and such.

Marvel is playing this holding this movie close to the chest. I can understand with Captain America coming out very soon, but its time for people to become more familiar with them so they can have a successful box office.

I'm super excited to find out if the trailer is coming out on Tuesday. I'm like 85% sure it is so fingers crossed!

Thoughts? Leave it below!

1 comment:

  1. That would be great if it is released on Tuesday, because I am majorly excited for the movie! Thanks for the update Anthony.

