Sunday, February 2, 2014

Transformers: Age Of Extinction- What I like about it and what I don't like.

I'll be the first to tell you I've never been on the Mark Wahlberg wagon. A lot of you might get mad at me for saying this, but this is my opinion, and the great thing about movies and actors is that you don't always have to agree with each other and the world won't come to an end but..........Mark Wahlberg is one of the most over-rated actors today.. (gasps)...Yeah sorry but that's just how I feel. I think all his "serious" movies is just him being a tough guy with a Boston accent. When he is not a tough guy he is just a plain bad actor. Most of his movies that I do like are mostly because of his co-stars.

Now, do I think he is a bad actor? Yes. Do I think he is a horrible actor? No. I think he is around so much talent that he's improving. But from what I saw in Age Of Extinction, he's pretty much same old Mark Wahberg.


I always thought that the visual effects in the Transformers franchise was amazing. The fights scenes, all the cool robots, and even though Michael Bay isn't really known for his fantastic story telling ability in the franchise, you can't deny this guy knows how to blow some shit up. I wouldn't want anyone else working on a Tranformers movie.

Shia Labouf will be missed that's for sure. Despite the negativity hes been getting lately, his talent is unquestionable. If there was ever any problems with any of the wasn't him.

I am really pumped to see a full length trailer and see all of the dinobots a little better. I am also kinda excited to see Optimus Prime's one liners!

Do you think this movie is going to suck? Will Mark Wahlberg do an okay job or do you think you'll want Shia back? Well on June 27th its.....

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