Sunday, February 2, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leaked Photos

Since the announcement of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, there has been a lot of speculation of what the turtles will look like and how the movie will play out. Michael Bay first said that the turtles will be from outer space. Then he came back and said oh no they're mutants turtles....I just meant they uh....are linked to outer space...yeah sure Bay. We all know you changed the script around a bit once you heard the negative backlash at the outer space idea. I'm just glad that things are back to normal.

Now, there was another rumor more recently that this was going to be the look of the turtles. WARNING: IMAGE MIGHT BE DISTURBING TO MAJOR FANS OF THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. 
This caused major hate and worried fans for the look of the turtles in the movie. I myself looked at the photo and thought, "oh no please no cut off jeans and sweatshirts tied around the waists."

Thankfully a photo got "leaked" on to the internet of Donatello and Shredder. I say leaked in quotation because it was way too close to be a coincidence. That I think should put a lot of worries to rest.
This design looks amazing! Shredder looks scary as hell and Donatello looks exactly like if a turtle was a ninja. I don't know if this movie is going to be good but I'm definitely excited to find out. Can't wait until the new trailer comes out!

What do you think of the photos? Happy with it or think they should have gone another direction? Let me know!


  1. The concept art looks freaking awesome! Maybe there is an incredibly slight chance that the movie is will not completely suck. But that first picture is facepalm bad. Considering that the movie will be coming out in the near future, I wonder why a trailer has not been released already.


  2. I don't know you'd think theyd atleast have a teaser trailer come out since guardians of the galaxy even has one lol
