Monday, February 24, 2014

Marvel Cinematic Universe

A lot of people have asked me what the phases were in the Marvel cinematic universe. Its basically just the movies between the the Avengers films that all lead up to the big ending Avengers 3. Marvel wanted to create a world where all your favorite super heroes could co exist in the same movie realm. Even with out ever meeting or being in the same movie. Example: In Guardians Of The Galaxy they are all connected by Thanos to the Avengers. So you'll know that in GOTG, somewhere out there in that universe is Thor. Thor is not in the movie and will most likely never meet the Guardians, but he exists in the same movie universe and it is proven through that connection.

The same does not go for the Dark Knight Trilogy. Superman and Wonder woman do not exist in that movie universe. Christopher Nolan isolated Batman from any other super powered beings and heroes to just focus on the realistic traits of the character and that's completely fine. That's why for Batman to come back and have a different/bigger universe where super powered beings of aliens and gods exist, they had to reboot the character entirely.

Here is what we have so far for the Marvel Cinematic Universe:


                                                             Iron man

The Incredible Hulk  

                                Ironman 2   


                                                             Captain America


                                Iron man 3

                                                          Thor 2: The Dark World

                                                Captain America: The Winter Soldier

                                                        Guardians Of The Galaxy

                                                      Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 3 hasn't started yet so most of the line up is just rumors. The only confirmed movie so far is Antman set to come out just after Avengers 2.  So that is, in order, the Marvel Cinematic Universe for those of you who didn't know. I love that Marvel did this. I'll be following these films until the final fight with Thanos to end it all. Love it!

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