Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lone Survivor Review (SPOILERS)

Lone survivor is the true story of Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz and Matt Axelson as they fought for their lives against the Taliban.

Coming into this movie I had heard good things about it but I was just expecting to leave the theater content. Instead, leaving the theater I was emotionally drained. The movie was very intense. You get a lot of feelings in this movie because you can feel everything the characters were feeling. All the actors gave a first rate performance and I was highly impressed by this film. This movie didn't to bring audiences the realism and heart breaks of war, as well as the comradery and brotherly love within a military squad.

I won't take back what I said on my last post about Wahlberg but I will say I see that he has grown into a solid actor and I will officially get off his case now. The way he showed his pain and fear was excellent. I was very impressed by him. I believe this was one of his greatest performances yet.

The fact that this was a true story really got me thinking about how much the military goes through for this country and how they deserve so much respect.

The whole mission plan was to capture or kill the notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shah, who was responsible for numerous deaths of marines. Being accidentally discovered by a family of two boys and an old man, they are forced to make a choice to kill them, or let them go and risk the mission being compromised. They had to let them go. One of the boys ran down and told the Taliban about the navy seals watching them and that's when shit got real. Like really real.

The last survivor Marcus Luttrell was protected by local villagers and a few of them ran to the nearest US base which ultimately saved his life. This was really good for people in America to see because a lot of Americans think that all people in the middle east are terriorists or they will say "why don't we just bomb the whole country." Its good to show the general public that not all people over there are evil and its actually just the Taliban that the US military is after.

The actors for the most part did look like the real soldiers they were portraying. All the acting was solid, the scenes were highly realistic, very emotional movie.


What'd you think of the film? Let me know below!

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