Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reasons Why I Became A Movie Blogger

I had been thinking about this for a while and all my friends had asked me why I hadn't started one yet. So I did! For all these reasons:

1. I love movies! Simple as that. Used to watch films with my mom growing up and just never stopped.

2. I love talking about movies. I don't care if you hated a movie I liked. I love hearing different perspectives and sometimes seeing films in an all new light by someone bringing up something I didn't see as I was watching the same film.

3. I always wanted to be an actor growing up. I knew it could never happen. I never lost my passion for movies and actors so this blog is my way for letting out all my excitement so all my readers can share that with me.

4. To meet other movie bloggers. I learn a lot from looking at other peoples movie blogs and I respect every one of them.

5. To share my world with your world. I love when people read my blogs. You don't have to agree with all my views on certain things. I just love sharing and connecting to people from all over the world.

That's all my reasons pretty much. I'd like to thank all my readers for taking time to look at my posts. Feel free to follow. Shout out to my follower James The Movie Reviewer. He's got fantastic content. I always enjoy reading his posts. You can find him at

Keep checking up for my new posts! Annnnnnnnd......


  1. We have many of the same reasons as to why we blog about movies, especially talking about movie; I love doing that! And reading other opinions.

    Thanks a lot for the shout out!

