Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why Avengers Was In My Opinion The Greatest Movie Of All Time.

Beside from being just plain insanely AWESOME, this movie did so many things right for a super hero or any action movie that's ever been made today.
     This is the first superhero team up movie that has solo hero's with separate fan bases that come together in one super hero mash up. Never has anything of this magnitude been done before. To do this you have to set rules while right the script. Here's a list of things this movie needed and succeeded in performing for its fans.

1. Character Overshadowing- This is the most important thing to bring to a movie where each super hero has a separate fan base. No character in the Avengers was left in the dark. Each one had separate confrontations with Loki where they came out on top in some way. Even during the huge action scene at the end, everyone had a specific part to do and accomplished it beautifully.

2. Action Sequences Show How They Fought As A Team- was this necessarily needed for the movie? I think in some way yes. They need to be believable as a force to be reckoned with and as you see in the video above they bounce off each others powers in way that it not only shows how powerful the Avengers really are as a team but it is extremely entertaining to watch.

3. Was Really Funny!- From your every day Tony Stark jokes you come to love to jokes that kind of throw you off guard with laughter like Thor's "he's adopted" quote. And I have to mention Hulk's smashing up the floor with Loki. No joke was unoriginal. You can tell that Josh Whedon took some risks with them and I'm really glad he did.

4. Stayed True To Other Solo Hero Stories- It was all piece together very well and for those who keep up with all of the other movies, this Marvel universe is almost going to be like chapters in one big book. Very happy Marvel decided to do it this way. Its all very fun to follow along with.

5. My Waiting Was Not In Vain!- I had waited 4 years for this movie to come out. Nothing felt better than sitting in the theater as the movie started. Ever since it was announced in 2008 at the end credits of Ironman I have been praying I didn't die before that movie came out. And it did NOT disappoint. I'll definitely be getting my Avengers 2 tickets for the midnight premiere in 2015.

Well that's my reasons why I feel the movie was THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Leave a comment below if you agree, disagree or just have something to add!

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, awesome reasons for why it is the best! I always get annoyed by the Nolanite fanboys that try to say that The Dark Knight Rises is better. They make me laugh! The Avengers was the closest thing I have seen to a perfect movie in an incredibly long time. I freaking love it! As you said, ever since that Iron Man after credits scene, we have been waiting for the big payoff, and it really did payoff big time. Every time I watch the movie I am still surprised that Whedon was able to pull off the impossible task of making the Avengers work. It should have been a mess, and he not only made a fun movie, it was an essentially perfect movie. Thanks for following my blog! I'm following yours now.

