Sunday, December 29, 2013

2015...The Year Of The Movie.

This year for movies is definitely the billion dollar year for movies. SO many seat fillers coming out. A lot of them I'm predicting will hit the billion dollar mark. But here in my opinion is the top money makers. And some box office all-time "Billion Dollar Predictions"-BDP.

1. Avengers 2- have to mention Avengers 2 because, in my opinion, Avengers was the greatest movie of all time. (I'll do a separate post telling you why). Which actually did hit the billion dollar mark. BDP.

2. Batman vs. Superman- who doesn't want to see this? At first it didn't make sense to me. Why would Batman go against Superman? Remember after "Man of Steel 2" Clark kind of left the world uneasy with him. He did save it but was also the main reason it was almost destroyed. No one knows if they can trust him. Especially Batman. So I'm excited to see how or if this goes into the story at all. BDP.

3. Star Wars Episode VII- If this doesn't reach the billion dollar mark I will fall out of my chair. I can not wait for this. I know J.J Abrams is directing and I love how he did the Star Trek movies. (yes even the lens flares) And to be honest I think its in good hands. Tough to talk about this more because the studio is being really hush hush about it. BDP

4. Fifty Shades of Grey- I'll be the first to tell you I don't really care about this coming out. But its extremely successful, huge fan following. Will it hit the billion dollar mark? Ehhhh, probably not. But you can bet its going to make a TON of money. More than enough for the studios to give the sequels a go ahead.

5. Ant-man- I'll admit I know nothing about Ant-man. From what I gathered he shrinks and grows, has super strength and he can talk to ants......BUT....I love Marvel and everything they are doing to this cinematic universe and don't forget Paul Rudd is Ant-man! I know I'm gonna be leaving the theater a new fan.

6. Avatar 2- Avatar was another one that hit the billion dollar mark as well, for the simple fact that it was visually stunning. It still holds 1st place for best 3D movie I've seen to date. You can bet this movie is going to be racking in the dough, which is why its my final BDP.

What do you think? Have any your excited for? Or what about your BDP's? Let me know in the comments below.

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