Monday, December 30, 2013

Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Review (SPOILERS)


     I FINALLY saw The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug last night and I have to say I loved it quite a bit. I'm going to be giving away some spoilers but I'm still going to keep it fairly brief for those of you who don't mind a little bit of spoilers without giving away the whole movie. Some people have been complaining that they didn't like the side missions they took before they got to the mountain but I didn't really see any that was much for a side mission. I don't count when Gandolf went off and confronted Sauron a side mission since the dwarves were still on their main objective.
     I loved the action sequences! They were pure awesomeness. When the dwarves were escaping the wood elve's prisons in the river and the elves were just going insane with arrows on the orcs. (and good to see Orlando Bloom back in something that's not shitty) And the elves themselves were perfectly designed to express the physical beauty and immortality of their race. All of it was so much fun, magical and really gave me that middle earth experience.

     I did find myself wondering why the dwarves follow Thorin tho. Clearly out of his mind and willing to risk anyone's life his home back, he quickly became my least favorite character. This isn't a complaint about the movie whatsoever but more just noting that if Thorin was real then I'd never hang out with him.
     The dragon was great. Benedict Cumberbatch did amazing. The fact that Smaug's facial expressions were a motion capture of BC's facial expressions really brought the intensity and feeling to Smaug and I think they took a good route with that.

     Overall I LOVED the movie and I will most likely be visiting a theater before the showing ends to get another helping.


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