Monday, January 6, 2014

Finally watched the original Star Wars trilogy for the first time....

I know I should have watched them a looooong time ago. All I kept hearing was how much better it was than the prequels. I have watched the prequels. They are actually all I've known. So basically this post is on my impression of the films and how I feel they connect and/or match up with the newer prequels.

Sorry for those who disagree but the prequels were so much worse!

    I found it very strange that I enjoyed a trilogy made from 1977 to 1983 better than a some what recently made trilogy but I definitely did. The old ones were so much more entertaining! I think what wins me over is the difference in pace and the setting transitions between the two trilogies. The prequels have a very set pace and mood. Always somewhat moody, deep music no matter what the energy of the scene gives off which came off to me as very droll and dull. I found myself listening to everything going on and retaining the information but completely lacking the entertainment value.

     Now with that said, I grew up with these movies so I went into the original star wars trilogy thinking that it was one of those "before my time" type movies. I was insanely impressed. So much fun to watch, the story telling in my opinion was a lot better than the prequels. Do I hate the prequels? No. Do I think that they are complete garbage? No. But when you hear all the super star wars fanatics say that the old ones are SO much better.......they are right. I do like the story of how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader but to me the most exciting part of the trilogy is the very end when he actually becomes Vader. Annnnnnd end credits. I don't know I think a lot of star wars fans could find the words and help me describe why I didn't like it as much as the older star wars trilogy. But if you haven't seen either I highly recommend you do and form your own opinion on it.

Anything to add? Disagree? Or just plain want to agree with me? Leave a comment!


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