Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top 10 Super Hero Movies That Need To Be Made!

These are in no particular order but I these are my top 10 that I think deserve a shot with a good director and writers to be put on the big screen.

1.  Incredibles 2- uh yeah! I loved the first one and I was hoping they would keep them going but nooooooo. Instead we get Despicable Me 2. I don't find those movies funny at all other than the minion scenes. The incredibles had everything you loved about super hero's and everything you loved about pixar films. WE NEED MORE!

2. Black Panther- we don't have any black super hero's in the movies! Only one I can think of is Hancock. And that almost doesn't count. There is some talk about Black Panther joining the marvel universe and join the avengers for Avengers 3 and I'm glad about that but we'll see how that plays out. Can't wait to see how Marvel portrays him. I love everything they do because its always movie gold.

3. Ghost Rider- I'm sorry but can we please have a new Ghost Rider. The first one was ok but the second one was just awful. I don't get it. All the elements are there for a bad ass awesome movie. Its a guy with a flaming skull who rides a harley and whips a thick chain around for pete's sake! I wasn't gonna do remakes on this post but this is something I feel needs to be said. I want a fast pace Ghost Rider please and bad ass shit! Not horribly choreographed action sequences and cheesy one liners like "road kill." Please and thank you.

4. Dragonball Z- I will not sit here and accept that shitty dragonball movie as the only one thats ever going to come out. These guys definitely fall under the super hero category. I think with the right director and writers we could have another extremely successful film franchise. The intensity and story line of the show would be incredible brought to big screen. With a little guidance, patience, and nurturing (and big budget CGI action sequences) a lot of new Dragonball Z fans could be coming out of the theaters.

5. Gambit- I know we got to see a him a little bit in Xmen Origins: Wolverine but I this character deserves his own stand alone film and I think a lot of people would be very excited to see that movie. Gambit's ability to explosively charge anything he touches with kinetic energy, plus his martial arts fighting techniques would be more than entertaining. Origins was just a tease to all of Gambit's fans and if a stand alone movie were to occur I am certain theater seats would fill up rather quickly.

6. Danny Phantom- I know you might think its silly but I think a more serious version of this tv series has the potential to be really awesome. But it also has a lot of potential to bomb horribly.... with that said I truly believe that in the right hands any good movies can be made from anything. I would just love to see a darker, grittier and powerful version of this character's life brought to the big screen.

7. Captain Underpants- I read all these books as a kid and loved them. This comedic super hero movie would be great for all of us old farts who were fans when we were young. If I was going to make it, I think it would be a little more adult but not treading the "scary movie series line." I'd like it to have an actual story but still be really really funny. I think it'd be a fresh new look on all the super hero buzz lately.

8. Beast Boy- I love Beast Boy! Nothing like him has ever been brought to the big screen. Beast Boy has a great origin story and has the power to turn into any animal at his will. Beast Boy can also turn into extinct animals like dinosaurs. A Beast Boy film, as long as its not too "kiddish" would be a great time at the movies for sure.

9. Darkwing Duck- Why not Disney?! This movie would be great for a lot of reasons. Resurrect the character for the young audiences and give us older people something to take our kids too while going down a trip on memory lane. Almost everyone I've talked to LOVES Darkwing Duck. This would be a great film all around, not only as a super hero film.

10. Deadpool- why hasn't this been a movie yet? All we've gotten is Ryan Reynolds in Xmen Origins: Wolverine. Come on! This wise-cracking, fast shooting, sword fighting, red and black suited awesomeness more than deserves his own movie. He doesn't have to be part of any of the other marvel character's universes but can we get this guy a film please. Deadpool is one of the fan favorites and would make A LOT of change in the box office. We gotta see that!

That's my top ten for movies super hero movies I'd love to see come to the big screen, but whats yours? Leave me a comment below and maybe you guys have some good ones that'll change my top ten around!

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