Sunday, May 18, 2014

Godzilla Review (SPOILERS)- 8.5/10

Going into this movie I had slight worries. I was still pretty traumatized from the 1998 version that was so awful. I thought the task of portraying Godzilla in present day cinema might be a challenge and that I was ultimately going to walk out of the theater slightly disappointed.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

This movie was awesome! The main characters of the film were great. Bryan Cranston was good as always. Elizabeth Olsen to me has become a solid actor that I think will be more and more sought after in hollywood. Aaron Taylor-Johnson I have always liked since kick ass and this was no different. Ken Wantanabe was fantastic. I loved the whole cast.

Godzilla looked incredible too. I really liked how they paid tribute to the old Godzilla and added in some new style to his look. A lot of complaints though on him "being to fat" which I can see why it would bother some people but it didn't really bug me at all. I just figured that's what a creature would look like if he'd been eating radiation on the ocean floor for thousands of years.

Another thing I noticed, and this is just my impression, is that Ford Brody (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Godzilla seemed to have been kindred spirits in a way. And the saying "takes a beating and keeps on ticking" that's used a couple of times in the movie was describing them. They were unknowingly teaming up and and even saved each others lives a few times.

My complaints consist mostly of things I didn't get enough of. Bryan Crantson's role was everything you saw in the trailer plus another 20 minutes maybe. I was disappointed because I was just getting attached to his character and then poof he gets killed.

Another thing I found myself needing more of was Godzilla. He's portrayed as a guardian that is awakened by the mutos and spends the movie hunting them down and fighting them. The fight scenes are so intense and shot so well that I found myself wishing the human scenes would hurry up and get over so I could see a Godzilla part. Another thing is human are literally helpless against these creatures. Godzilla is so enormous that him just getting out of the water caused a tsunami and killed people. You have to realize when these things fight that are this friggin big then there will probably be a lot of casualties.

I thought the roar was very well done. A more intense version of the original. I also liked how they didn't really use it that much, maybe like 3 times. Every time he roared you could just feel the power behind it and gives you a great sense of how awesome this creature is. Another thing I thought was fantastic was the fire breath. They didn't use it too much and I think my favorite scene in all of the movies I've seen this year was when he rips open the mutos mouth, looks down into it and just blasts fire right down his throat. I was in my seat thinking "that....was.....incredible." I left the theater very satisfied and I might see it again before I see X-men: Days Of Future Past next week.


What did you think of the movie? Let me know in the comment section below!

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