Tuesday, January 7, 2014

12 Years A Slave! (SPOILERS)

     Holy crap what an intense movie. First of all I'd like to say the difference in intensity the background music can display. I never realized before how much you really need it and sometimes don't need it. I'll tell you why in a different post because in this one I only want to talk about this movie.
     The movie starts off with a very successful free black man named Solomon Northup. The north are all free of slavery but it is completely legal and fine in the south. Solomon was one of many free African Americans who were kidnapped and taken back to the south to be slaves. Legal papers all destroyed and beaten until they learn to be obedient and submissive again.

     The reason why I brought up the point about the background music is because there are a lot of intense scenes that have absolutely no music what so ever. All you get is incredible acting of Chiwetel Ejiofor and his facial expressions. If he doesn't win an oscar for this award I will be shocked. If noone in this movie wins an oscar I will keel over. I'm making a prediction right now that atleast 2 oscars will go towards this movie. I HAVE SPOKEN!

So lets talk about the talent in this movie other then Chiwetel...

Benedict Cumberbatch
Easily the nicest white person in this movie. (considering this movie consists of mostly slave owners) He is Solomons first owner, Ford. It was nice seeing him in a role like this. I like actors that dabble in a bit of everything. Ben is proving to be one of the best up and coming actors right now.

Paul Dano

In my opinion Paul is really underrated as an actor. Everything I've seen him in I've been impressed and I don't think he gets as much recognition as he should. He played Ford's evil farm worker who ran the slaves along with another white worker. He played the role perfectly.

Michael Fassbender
Along with Chiwetel, Michael does by far the best acting in the movie. He almost stole the movie. He plays Edwin Epps, Horribly evil plantation owner who terrorizes and rapes the slaves and his wife who is also just as evil played by Sarah Paulson. I have always loved Michael Fassbender's work and this movie is another good reason why.

Lupita Nyong'o
I think Lupita deserves some recognition as well. Lupita played Patsey. A young slave girl who has become Edwin's obsession. Always does the best work on the plantation but is raped almost every night and beaten visiously if she leaves. Tension is also caused between her and Mistress Epps. Lupita brought so much intensity and feeling to her role and I would love to see her again in more films.

Oh yeah and Brad Pitt was in it too for almost no reason at all.

Well to sum up the reasons for my rating. Great actors, great scenes, absolutely no complaints.


What do you guys think?  Any actors stand out to you at all? Didn't really like the movie? Let me know in the comments!

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