Thursday, February 13, 2014

Robocop Review (NO SPOILERS)

Change of pace for my usual reviews. I decided since it came out yesterday I wasn't going to do any spoilers.

I saw Robocop in IMAX yesterday and it was my first time ever being in an IMAX theater. Even though I completely loved the IMAX experience, it doesn't add anything to the movie and it doesn't take anything away so you'd be better off just seeing it on normal screens.

Now time to talk about the movie......

Overall, its a pretty solid movie. A lot of people were upset about the remake saying how it was nothing like the 1987. Well yeah that's the point of a remake. Its to pass down the character to the next generation and keep it alive. If the 1987 film came out yesterday it'd easily be the worst movie in the last 15 years.

The task with making this kind of movie is that you have two audiences to entertain. The old school fans of Robocop and the younger, newer audiences that are getting introduced to the icon. Juggling both can ruin a movie if not done right.

The story was good and the special effects were great but the biggest problem with this film is that nothing really hops out at you as a memorable moment. I left the theater feeling satisfied but definitely not mind blown. Joel Kinnaman is a mediocre actor at best but managed to pull off the role successfully enough. The action sequences were a little weird and questionable at times but still didn't fail to entertain.

Gary Oldman was excellent as always. He never fails to bring depth and realism to his characters and doesn't disappoint in this film either. He plays Dr. Dennet Norton, a robotic engineer that is brought into the robocop project and actually creates the robotic body that Alex Murphy is joined with.

This movie is definitely worth a watch. Don't waste money to see it in IMAX unless you just have to have IMAX but check it out for sure. Definitely not going to be the best movie in 2014 but like I said its solid. I had a lot of fun watching it but maybe Robocop 2 will be the one to get me into the new franchise.



  1. Yes, you're absolutely true. To my words, ROBOCOP is a solid movie and showcases less violence than the original.

    I probably think you should have mentioned of Joel Kinnaman as being Robocop. He's perfect and he has never appeared in a film from Hollywood.

  2. At least the movie doesn't suck. I won't be watching RoboCop in theaters, but I will rent it.


  3. I was going to mention Joel but every time I started writing about him I gave something away and I can't spoil it lol.

  4. yeah its definitely worth a watch thats for sure
