Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Captain America Trailer 2 Just Released

     The new trailer is out now and I have to say I just keep getting more and more excited for this movie. I think the best think to do though is to stop with trailer 2. I don't want to know the whole movie!
     This trailer focus's a lot more on the Winter Soldier and shows a little more of the Falcon. Now that I've seen a little more of the Winter Soldier I am even more excited to see it. Marvel is apparently also very excited because they have already hired the Russo brothers back to direct for Captain America 3 as well. That gets me pretty pumped. If Marvel is so confident with the direction Anthony and Russo are going that they want them to stick around then that tells me they think fans are going to love The Winter Soldier movie. Opening night here I come!

Bucky Barnes is bad ass! Just as much as he is in the first trailer. Falcon looks awesome too. If there is one thing I love about super hero movies is when they find a way to make you feel like these things could really happen to some extent. The Falcon's wings look amazing. Bucky's arm looks great.

Based on this trailer alone I'm really excited about the movie. Who knows, this movie could suck! That's very possible. But like I said, the trailer kicks ass, the costumes kick ass, get here April 4th so I can see this movie.

What did you guys think of the trailer? Let me know below!

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