Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Big Hero 6 Review (SPOILERS)-8.5/10

I wasn't as excited to see this film as my wife was but I still really wanted to see it. I'm very glad I did too because it was a fantastic movie. Here's my review!

We start off meeting Hiro and Tadashi Hamada two genius brothers. Hiro is the younger 14 year old  brother and uses his brains for the wrong things such as robot fighting. Tadashi is the older fatherly brother who works at a technology university. Using his brains to help mankind. After Tadashi killed in a fire set by "The Masked Man," Hiro takes it upon himself to use his intelligence to catch his brothers killer.

The film takes place in a futuristic city of San Fransokyo, A hybrid city of San Francisco and Tokyo. I thought the city was beautiful. If there's one thing I absolutely love about Pixar movies is the worlds they create for their story to take place and San Fransokyo definitely does not disappoint.

 Speaking of things that don't disappoint, I absolutely LOVED Baymax. Only Disney can find a way to make a fighting robot cute and huggable. He's incredibly funny. He was initially a healthcare robot but Hiro upgraded him to better fight "The Masked Man" and basically to defend himself in general. Some really funny back and forth dialog with Baymax and Hiro. Baymax was also the last creation of Tadashi, so Hiro feels like its that much more crucial that Baymax helps him take down "The Masked Man" and uncover his identity and becomes consumed by it.

I'm going to say parts of the film that I didn't like but its going to be very nit-picky. These are all things that I noticed but really had no affect on how I enjoyed the movie.
I felt some of the characters were slightly unnecessary. I don't know, did we really need Wasabi and Honey Lemon? Another thing I noticed, and I wouldn't even call this a negative, is that the villain in this movie doesn't really leave a mark on you. The film seems to be more about Hiro struggling with himself, not letting revenge take over him and change him. Don't get me wrong, "The Masked Man" is pretty cool villain, but he will have little affect on you.
I have to say this movie is my personal favorite since The Incredibles. Its funny, you'll laugh, you might even cry as you watch this 14 year old boy deal with the death of a loved one and the friendship he gains with this lovable fighting healthcare robot.


What did you think of the movie? Leave a comment below and let me know!

By the way did anyone else notice this Stan Lee cameo?

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