Monday, February 24, 2014

Video Games That Would Make Awesome Movies

Assassin's Creed movie is in the works and Michael Fassbender has been confirmed to play the hooded assassin and this got me wondering......what other video games would make great movies? So here is my top 3 choices.

                                          1. The Last Of Us
The story of Joel, a southerner who struggles with the tragic loss of his daughter just before a zombie apocalypse, is now force to transfer a 14 year old girl named Ellie to a anti-government group called the fireflies. They go through hell and back together as they face zombies, cannibals and military soldiers as they just try to survive.

Besides the beautiful graphics and very entertaining and violent game play, The Last Of Us has a very detailed and dark story line. The actors are incredible, putting everything they have into every scenes leaving the gamer cinematically involved instead of just strategically. If this was a movie franchise it would have made a ton of money. The performances and story are truly amazing. A good game for any movie buff.

                                          2. Beyond Two Souls
In this game, Jodie Holmes has had a supernatural entity named Aiden in her life since she was little. Aiden helps Jodie as she fights off the government as well as dark evil spirits. But the biggest fight for Jodie is just to stay normal.

This game is basically an interactive movie. With movie stars like Ellen Page and Willam Dafoe in the two lead roles, this game has no short of talent. Fantastic game to just play for hours and just get lost in the story.

When I say Infamous, I mean I think they could use either character, Cole or Delsin and it would be a fantastic movie. With cool effects and action packed scenes, this movie would be extremely fun.

This is my top 3 games I would love to see in a film. Whats your top 3? Comment below!

Marvel Cinematic Universe

A lot of people have asked me what the phases were in the Marvel cinematic universe. Its basically just the movies between the the Avengers films that all lead up to the big ending Avengers 3. Marvel wanted to create a world where all your favorite super heroes could co exist in the same movie realm. Even with out ever meeting or being in the same movie. Example: In Guardians Of The Galaxy they are all connected by Thanos to the Avengers. So you'll know that in GOTG, somewhere out there in that universe is Thor. Thor is not in the movie and will most likely never meet the Guardians, but he exists in the same movie universe and it is proven through that connection.

The same does not go for the Dark Knight Trilogy. Superman and Wonder woman do not exist in that movie universe. Christopher Nolan isolated Batman from any other super powered beings and heroes to just focus on the realistic traits of the character and that's completely fine. That's why for Batman to come back and have a different/bigger universe where super powered beings of aliens and gods exist, they had to reboot the character entirely.

Here is what we have so far for the Marvel Cinematic Universe:


                                                             Iron man

The Incredible Hulk  

                                Ironman 2   


                                                             Captain America


                                Iron man 3

                                                          Thor 2: The Dark World

                                                Captain America: The Winter Soldier

                                                        Guardians Of The Galaxy

                                                      Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron

Phase 3 hasn't started yet so most of the line up is just rumors. The only confirmed movie so far is Antman set to come out just after Avengers 2.  So that is, in order, the Marvel Cinematic Universe for those of you who didn't know. I love that Marvel did this. I'll be following these films until the final fight with Thanos to end it all. Love it!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer!

Its finally here! I was very excited to see it. People complained about the CGI in it but I was pleased with it. I thought everyone looked awesome. I noticed it focused a lot more on Star-Lord then anyone else in the Gurardians. Which is fine for this trailer I suppose as long as the next trailer I see some more of the other characters. I would have loved to see Rocket Raccoon talk more. Thats pretty much the only negative thing I have to say so far. Judging from the look of the trailer I am still very excited to see this movie.

Has the trailer confirmed your excitement or made you feel differently about the film? Let me know in the comment section!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer Release Date?!

Guardians Of The Galaxy trailer is said to be released on February 18th. It would be the first look for anyone who didn't go to Comic-Con.(Or who didn't see the leaked footage from Comic-Con)

According to Yahoo Singapore on twitter, the trailer will drop this Tuesday BUT, shortly after the tweet was taken down and replaced with other GOTG photos and such.

Marvel is playing this holding this movie close to the chest. I can understand with Captain America coming out very soon, but its time for people to become more familiar with them so they can have a successful box office.

I'm super excited to find out if the trailer is coming out on Tuesday. I'm like 85% sure it is so fingers crossed!

Thoughts? Leave it below!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Robocop Review (NO SPOILERS)

Change of pace for my usual reviews. I decided since it came out yesterday I wasn't going to do any spoilers.

I saw Robocop in IMAX yesterday and it was my first time ever being in an IMAX theater. Even though I completely loved the IMAX experience, it doesn't add anything to the movie and it doesn't take anything away so you'd be better off just seeing it on normal screens.

Now time to talk about the movie......

Overall, its a pretty solid movie. A lot of people were upset about the remake saying how it was nothing like the 1987. Well yeah that's the point of a remake. Its to pass down the character to the next generation and keep it alive. If the 1987 film came out yesterday it'd easily be the worst movie in the last 15 years.

The task with making this kind of movie is that you have two audiences to entertain. The old school fans of Robocop and the younger, newer audiences that are getting introduced to the icon. Juggling both can ruin a movie if not done right.

The story was good and the special effects were great but the biggest problem with this film is that nothing really hops out at you as a memorable moment. I left the theater feeling satisfied but definitely not mind blown. Joel Kinnaman is a mediocre actor at best but managed to pull off the role successfully enough. The action sequences were a little weird and questionable at times but still didn't fail to entertain.

Gary Oldman was excellent as always. He never fails to bring depth and realism to his characters and doesn't disappoint in this film either. He plays Dr. Dennet Norton, a robotic engineer that is brought into the robocop project and actually creates the robotic body that Alex Murphy is joined with.

This movie is definitely worth a watch. Don't waste money to see it in IMAX unless you just have to have IMAX but check it out for sure. Definitely not going to be the best movie in 2014 but like I said its solid. I had a lot of fun watching it but maybe Robocop 2 will be the one to get me into the new franchise.


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Reasons Why I Became A Movie Blogger

I had been thinking about this for a while and all my friends had asked me why I hadn't started one yet. So I did! For all these reasons:

1. I love movies! Simple as that. Used to watch films with my mom growing up and just never stopped.

2. I love talking about movies. I don't care if you hated a movie I liked. I love hearing different perspectives and sometimes seeing films in an all new light by someone bringing up something I didn't see as I was watching the same film.

3. I always wanted to be an actor growing up. I knew it could never happen. I never lost my passion for movies and actors so this blog is my way for letting out all my excitement so all my readers can share that with me.

4. To meet other movie bloggers. I learn a lot from looking at other peoples movie blogs and I respect every one of them.

5. To share my world with your world. I love when people read my blogs. You don't have to agree with all my views on certain things. I just love sharing and connecting to people from all over the world.

That's all my reasons pretty much. I'd like to thank all my readers for taking time to look at my posts. Feel free to follow. Shout out to my follower James The Movie Reviewer. He's got fantastic content. I always enjoy reading his posts. You can find him at

Keep checking up for my new posts! Annnnnnnnd......

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lone Survivor Review (SPOILERS)

Lone survivor is the true story of Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz and Matt Axelson as they fought for their lives against the Taliban.

Coming into this movie I had heard good things about it but I was just expecting to leave the theater content. Instead, leaving the theater I was emotionally drained. The movie was very intense. You get a lot of feelings in this movie because you can feel everything the characters were feeling. All the actors gave a first rate performance and I was highly impressed by this film. This movie didn't to bring audiences the realism and heart breaks of war, as well as the comradery and brotherly love within a military squad.

I won't take back what I said on my last post about Wahlberg but I will say I see that he has grown into a solid actor and I will officially get off his case now. The way he showed his pain and fear was excellent. I was very impressed by him. I believe this was one of his greatest performances yet.

The fact that this was a true story really got me thinking about how much the military goes through for this country and how they deserve so much respect.

The whole mission plan was to capture or kill the notorious Taliban leader Ahmad Shah, who was responsible for numerous deaths of marines. Being accidentally discovered by a family of two boys and an old man, they are forced to make a choice to kill them, or let them go and risk the mission being compromised. They had to let them go. One of the boys ran down and told the Taliban about the navy seals watching them and that's when shit got real. Like really real.

The last survivor Marcus Luttrell was protected by local villagers and a few of them ran to the nearest US base which ultimately saved his life. This was really good for people in America to see because a lot of Americans think that all people in the middle east are terriorists or they will say "why don't we just bomb the whole country." Its good to show the general public that not all people over there are evil and its actually just the Taliban that the US military is after.

The actors for the most part did look like the real soldiers they were portraying. All the acting was solid, the scenes were highly realistic, very emotional movie.


What'd you think of the film? Let me know below!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Captain America Trailer 2 Just Released

     The new trailer is out now and I have to say I just keep getting more and more excited for this movie. I think the best think to do though is to stop with trailer 2. I don't want to know the whole movie!
     This trailer focus's a lot more on the Winter Soldier and shows a little more of the Falcon. Now that I've seen a little more of the Winter Soldier I am even more excited to see it. Marvel is apparently also very excited because they have already hired the Russo brothers back to direct for Captain America 3 as well. That gets me pretty pumped. If Marvel is so confident with the direction Anthony and Russo are going that they want them to stick around then that tells me they think fans are going to love The Winter Soldier movie. Opening night here I come!

Bucky Barnes is bad ass! Just as much as he is in the first trailer. Falcon looks awesome too. If there is one thing I love about super hero movies is when they find a way to make you feel like these things could really happen to some extent. The Falcon's wings look amazing. Bucky's arm looks great.

Based on this trailer alone I'm really excited about the movie. Who knows, this movie could suck! That's very possible. But like I said, the trailer kicks ass, the costumes kick ass, get here April 4th so I can see this movie.

What did you guys think of the trailer? Let me know below!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Transformers: Age Of Extinction- What I like about it and what I don't like.

I'll be the first to tell you I've never been on the Mark Wahlberg wagon. A lot of you might get mad at me for saying this, but this is my opinion, and the great thing about movies and actors is that you don't always have to agree with each other and the world won't come to an end but..........Mark Wahlberg is one of the most over-rated actors today.. (gasps)...Yeah sorry but that's just how I feel. I think all his "serious" movies is just him being a tough guy with a Boston accent. When he is not a tough guy he is just a plain bad actor. Most of his movies that I do like are mostly because of his co-stars.

Now, do I think he is a bad actor? Yes. Do I think he is a horrible actor? No. I think he is around so much talent that he's improving. But from what I saw in Age Of Extinction, he's pretty much same old Mark Wahberg.


I always thought that the visual effects in the Transformers franchise was amazing. The fights scenes, all the cool robots, and even though Michael Bay isn't really known for his fantastic story telling ability in the franchise, you can't deny this guy knows how to blow some shit up. I wouldn't want anyone else working on a Tranformers movie.

Shia Labouf will be missed that's for sure. Despite the negativity hes been getting lately, his talent is unquestionable. If there was ever any problems with any of the wasn't him.

I am really pumped to see a full length trailer and see all of the dinobots a little better. I am also kinda excited to see Optimus Prime's one liners!

Do you think this movie is going to suck? Will Mark Wahlberg do an okay job or do you think you'll want Shia back? Well on June 27th its.....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leaked Photos

Since the announcement of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film, there has been a lot of speculation of what the turtles will look like and how the movie will play out. Michael Bay first said that the turtles will be from outer space. Then he came back and said oh no they're mutants turtles....I just meant they uh....are linked to outer space...yeah sure Bay. We all know you changed the script around a bit once you heard the negative backlash at the outer space idea. I'm just glad that things are back to normal.

Now, there was another rumor more recently that this was going to be the look of the turtles. WARNING: IMAGE MIGHT BE DISTURBING TO MAJOR FANS OF THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. 
This caused major hate and worried fans for the look of the turtles in the movie. I myself looked at the photo and thought, "oh no please no cut off jeans and sweatshirts tied around the waists."

Thankfully a photo got "leaked" on to the internet of Donatello and Shredder. I say leaked in quotation because it was way too close to be a coincidence. That I think should put a lot of worries to rest.
This design looks amazing! Shredder looks scary as hell and Donatello looks exactly like if a turtle was a ninja. I don't know if this movie is going to be good but I'm definitely excited to find out. Can't wait until the new trailer comes out!

What do you think of the photos? Happy with it or think they should have gone another direction? Let me know!